What is the In-Between?

For me, the in-between is the familiar feeling of being stuck between two realities. When you’re in one job but looking for another, experiencing the loss of a loved one, about to take a leave of absence from work, or even trying to adjust your mindset to return from vacation – these are all examples of living in the in-between.

When I first started my research, I recognized all of the transitions that had impacted my life up to this point: leadership transitions, organizational restructures, health crises, and most of all, becoming a mother. This experience of being stuck between two identities, before and after being known as “mom”, shaped the trajectory of my life, and ultimately, my research.

Following the birth of my daughter, I began supporting other moms who were trying to navigate their way through maternity leave and their return to work. I collaborated with amazing mentors and colleagues to present at national conferences to discuss this topic with women throughout the country. Many of them shared that they had never engaged in professional conversations around these transitions before.

When my daughter was three years old, I embarked on my research journey working with young women who navigated a transition to remote education during the COVID-19 pandemic. My own experiences informed my work and helped connect the dots between the stories of undergraduate and professional women in different stages of life. This led to the completion of my dissertation (just call me Dr. Klein) and a journey of exploring the in-between.

In all of this work, I’ve identified five common themes experienced by women during major life transitions. I’ll be basing my coaching and consulting work on these themes – which I will share in the coming weeks.

How would you describe the feeling of being in the “in-between”? What are some examples that you’re trying to navigate right now?


Taking a Medical Leave