Taking a Medical Leave

At the end of April, my doctor suggested I take time off from work for a variety of health reasons. Despite decades of believing my worth was connected to my work, I said yes. I cautiously pursued each step of the process, knowing that at any moment I might back out, but – I did it!

Here are some takeaways from this experience:
💎 I navigated several doctor’s appointments that I would have otherwise put off
💎 I did some kind of physical activity every day
💎 I engaged in nervous system coaching with Laura Larios
💎 I participated in daily practices with Vital-Side in rewiring my brain to shift older neural pathways and refresh my thought patterns.
💎 I adapted my diet to better serve my health needs (and started to cook/prep food for the first time in a decade)!
💎 My blood pressure went from high (I was prescribed medication) to normal!
💎 My kidney function improved, somehow.
💎 I felt, and still feel, happier than I have in a long time, even three weeks later.

TL;DR: Taking a doctor approved medical leave is totally worth the backlog in emails.


What is the In-Between?